Dylan Mavrides (P.E.), Howard Tam (P.E.), Jacob Loewenstein (VR@MIT), Emily Tang (P.E.), Evan Wildenhain (P.E.), Daniel Chae (P.E.), Judith Amores (VR@MIT), Henry Ha (P.E.), Yuan Wang (P.E.), Wouter Van Gijseghem (P.E.), Claire Adair (P.E. Co-Founder), Sam Bernstein (P.E.), Katherine Hong (P.E.), Adrian Tong (P.E.), Luca Rade (P.E.), Niranjan Shankar (P.E.)
Last week 14 students from Princeton Envision visited the MIT Medialab and had the chance to check out the newest VR/AR projects that are being developed by Medialab researchers.
Here is a brief overview of the experience by Claire Adair, Co-Founder and Vice-President of Princeton Envision:
Princeton's leading student organization in rapidly developing disruptive technologies and their wide-ranging implications, Envision had the privilege of sending 14 students to visit MIT's Media Lab and Fluid Interfaces Research Group with human-computer interaction expert Judith Amores and VR@MIT Co-Founder Jacob Loewenstein. Fascinated by the innovative output of the Media Lab's various research groups, Princeton Envision students learned about the industry applications of Affective Computing, development of smart cities through Changing Places, far-reaching benefits of Biomechatronics research and inventions, as well as the myriad ways in which Fluid Interfaces is impacting the AR and VR industries. Amores's clear explanation of how different VR/AR projects can be applied to education, meditation training, building of user empathy, artistic imagination, communicating sensation, and other fields inspired many of us to consider potential applications and get excited about the reality of seemingly science-fiction inventions. Provoking multiple conversations about both business ideas and technical innovations, our tour and talk with Amores and Loewenstein was by consensus the highlight of our trip, leaving many of us in awe and in pursuit of the Media Lab as a potential future goal destination.
Sam Bernstein, '19, CS Major, gives his impressions of the MIT Medialab:
From my short visit, I could tell that the MIT Media Lab is a remarkable and incredibly unique place: the projects are groundbreaking and audacious, the mindset required to effect them is truly "antidisciplinary" and the environment is conducive to much-needed research and development that couldn't be done anywhere else.
We were really happy to host the Princeton Envision students and show them the different VR/AR research being developed at MIT.
If you are interested in knowing about the VR/AR projects at MIT contact us and we will offer you a visit to check out the latest advances in VR/AR technologies.
Anna Fuste, VP Marketing & Judith Amores, Co-President VR@MIT